company handbook review

Do you have a company/employee handbook? Do you know if it’s in compliance with State standards? Establishing clear handbook policies up front lessens your chances for expensive future unemployment claims to be brought against you.

Rely on us to review and help edit your handbook so it’s in compliance and can pre-emptively protect you. We know exactly what to look for and what language will cover you. We make the process quick and easy, and give you peace of mind that it’s done correctly. This process is included in our affordable services!

Contact Us

Do you have questions about company handbook review or anything else?

Call Us 508-425-6991

Email Us
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State Websites

Visit State websites to learn more about  charge statement auditing and UI.

Connecticut Information

Massachusetts Information

Rhode Island Information

UI Guides

Click these links for downloadable PDF guides about UI by State.

Connecticut Guide

Massachusetts Guide

Rhode Island Guide